While there I had a lovely chat with Damian who was both enthusiastic and realistic about the bookshop. As an ex-teacher and a published children's author, Damian, the bookseller, wears many hats and is concerned that three other bookshops in Tasmania have recently. He also doesn't carry as much stock as he did several years ago. Perhaps it's the digital changeover that's causing the downfall - or, more likely, he believes, the cheaper sales through internet.
As we chatted over coffee - yes, there's a cafe in the shop as well! - I couldn't help but be buoyed up by Damian's exuberance and positive attitude. Changes are afoot. We all know that, but somehow, I think that Damian and his crew will stay afloat to provide many more years of wonderful service to buyers and browsers of children's books!
ps. The sales desk is a boat!